Success Stories
Casey Stone-Romero returned to NMDVR in early 2022 as director. She previously worked in the division from 1997 to 2014, beginning as a receptionist and secretary and quickly earning promotions to training specialist, vocational rehabilitation technician, vocational rehabilitation counselor, and finally, staff development specialist.
In addition to her time with NMDVR, Stone-Romero’s professional experience also includes community inclusion manager and statewide supported employment lead for the New Mexico Department of Health’s Developmental Disabilities Supports Division, human resources analyst in the state’s General Services Department, and training and development specialist in the State Personnel Office.
A life-long northern New Mexico resident, Stone-Romero earned her master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling from Texas Tech University’s School of Allied Health Sciences, bachelor’s degree in social work from New Mexico Highlands University, and associate degree in human services from Santa Fe Community College.
Casey Stone-Romero is a Certified Employment Support Professional and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. She also holds certification from the Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE), a Level Two Pre K-12 Rehabilitation Counselor license, and is a peer reviewer for the National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials.
Ms. Stone-Romero and her husband Jason enjoy camping and golfing. Their son, Tiger, is a high school student in Santa Fe.
Vocational rehabilitation counseling and guidance includes information and support services to assist an individual in exercising informed choices and is distinct from the case management relationship that exists between the counselor and the individual during the VR process.
For more information, contact an office near you.
Nationally recognized for excellence, the New Mexico Disability Determination Services (NMDDS) measures of quality consistently rank amongst the highest in the region and in the nation. The NMDDS adjudicates cases for Social Security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides New Mexico (NM) millions of dollars annually for disability benefits.
Nationally, the SSA contracts to provide disability determination services. In NM, SSA contracts with the NMDVR to adjudicate cases for the residents of NM. SSA funds the NMDDS at 100% to include administrative overhead to the NMDVR. As a result of 100% funding, SSA maintains extensive control over the day-to-day.
For more information, contact an office near you.
Disability Determination Services Administrator
Charles “Alan” Hamlin has been a member of the DVR/DDS since 2006. In his time with the DDS, Alan has been a Disability Adjudicator, Disability Adjudicator Specialist, Disability Adjudicator Supervisor, Operations Manager, Manager of Operations, and finally DDS Administrator. Alan has served on multiple inter-agency committees and workgroups from both DVR and SSA.
Interim RSU Administrator, Field Operations Director
Nash currently serves as the interim RSU Administrator and Field Operations Director for Areas 3 and 4. She oversees DVR operations for the Las Cruces, Silver City, Roswell, Carlsbad, and Clovis offices as a Field Operations Director. Nash earned a Master of Guidance & Counseling from New Mexico Highlands University and a Bachelor of Psychology-Counselor Education and Sociology-Gerontology from Adams State College. She is a licensed mental health counselor, clinically certified forensics counselor, a K-12 rehabilitation counselor and a K-12 school counselor.
Nash is a single full-time parent of seven adopted children and enjoys church and faith as much as the outdoors. One of her favorite quotes is the following by Maya Angelou: My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, come compassion, some humor, and some style.
Job search activities support and assist an individual in searching for an appropriate job. Job search assistance may include help in resume preparation, identifying appropriate job opportunities, developing interview skills, and making contacts with companies on behalf of the participant.
Job placement assistance is a referral to a specific job resulting in an interview, whether or not the individual obtained the job.
For more information, contact an office near you.
In July of 2014, the reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act took place. The new act is now called the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and includes many changes focused on students with disabilities. Under the new Act, the NMDVR program has added a new service category, Pre-Employment Transition Services (PETS). Below are the components associated with PETS and how our agency may assist your efforts with students’ transition needs.
For more information, contact an office near you.
Vocational rehabilitation technology includes, Rehabilitation Engineering Services, Assistive Technology Devices, and Assistive Technology Services. These services assist in meeting the needs of, and address the barriers confronted by, individuals with disabilities in areas that include education, rehabilitation, employment, transportation, independent living, recreation, home and vehicular modification, other assistive devices including, but not limited to hearing aids, low vision aids, and wheelchairs.
For more information, contact an office near you.
Training services are designed to help an individual improve educationally or vocationally or to adjust to the functional limitations of his or her impairment. Training services may include but not limited to:
For more information, contact an office near you.
For more information, contact an office near you.